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Careers Skills Jobs Advice TV Blog mdi-close

Job Fit Test

A career self-assessment tool
Total Time: 20 min (approx.)
Find out how ready you are for a specific career. We will ask you some specific questions about the careers you are interested in and we will tell you what you need to do to get started. 
{{ pageHeading }}
{{ pageSubheading }}
Job readiness
mdi-clipboard-text-outline 5 questions per career selected
The job readiness evaluates how ready you are for specific careers. You will be able to complete this for multiple careers in this quiz.
General work readiness questions
mdi-dumbbell {{ Object.keys(content.sections).length }} sections, {{ content.sections ? Object.values(content.sections)[0].length : '' }} questions each
mdi-clock-outline 5 min
Work readiness questionnaire allows you to see how ready you are to start work. It test for more generic skills and attitudes which may be used to identify other learning opportunities in preparation for employment.
Part {{ currentStep }} of {{ selectedCareerPaths.length }}
Question {{ questionIndex + 1 }}/{{ selectedCareersResponse[careerPath].questions.length }}
{{ }}
Work readiness questions
mdi-clipboard-text {{ Object.keys(content.sections).length }} sections each with {{ content.sections ? Object.values(content.sections)[0].length : '' }} questions
mdi-clock-outline 5 mins
This questionnaire will cover the following topics:
  • {{ section }}
Section {{ currentStep - selectedCareerPaths.length - 1 }} of {{ content.sections ? Object.keys(content.sections).length : '' }}
Question {{ questionIndex + 1 }}/{{ content.sections[section].length }}
{{ }}
{{ isLastStep ? 'Finish' : 'Next' }}
What can i do at end of quiz?
mdi-dumbbell Print, share and email a PDF report
mdi-magnify Use results to explore careers
mdi-check Use results to identify actions to take
Well done, your job readiness quiz is complete.
Based on your answers your results for specific jobs and your readiness for work are below. You can explore the specific recommendations for each, or print/share a full report.
{{ }} mdi-chevron-right
{{ career.score | percentage }}
Congratulations! You are perfectly suited to this role.
You are {{ career.score | percentage}} ready for this role
You should consider:
  • {{ improvement.title }}
work readiness mdi-chevron-right
{{ workReadinessResult.score | percentage}}
Congratulations! You are completely ready to start working.
You are {{ workReadinessResult.score | percentage}} ready for this role
We have {{ workReadinessResult.improvements.length }} recommendations for how you can set yourself up for employment.
mdi-file Download PDF Report
This report has been saved to your dashboard.
{{ resultDetailDialogContent.title }}
{{ resultDetailDialogContent.score | percentage}}
You are {{ resultDetailDialogContent.score | percentage}} ready for this role
Based on your answers your results for specific jobs and your readiness for work are below. You can explore the specific recommendations for each, or print/share a full report.
{{ item.title }}